Implementation and development of a Future Classroom Lab in a school setting. Study of the project of IES Francisco Giner de los Ríos, Alcobendas
Future Classroom Lab, Innovation, Competency-based approach, Active learning methodologies, Digital Technologies and Innovative Learning EnvironmentsAbstract
IES Francisco Giner de los Ríos is located in Alcobendas, a city in the outskirts of Madrid inhabited by more than one
hundred thousand people. It has more than forty years of teaching experience and around 1500 students, which entails
a wide and varied educational offer. The students enrolled in this school are diverse, due to both their origin (including
up to forty different nationalities) and their sociocultural and academic levels. This gives it great cultural diversity, which
undoubtedly enriches it as an educational institution, but it also comes with a considerable challenge.
After the granting by the Community of Madrid of economic support resulting from its selection in the Call for Innovation
Projects of the Community of Madrid in 2018, the project “New Spaces for Learning: The Future Classroom Lab” was
implemented in this school. This project collected the experience and concerns of a group of teachers who were firmly
committed to methodological transformation. Supported by the management team, they initiated a process of
transformation of spaces, promotion of digital technologies, and implementation of active methodologies as an
instrument to develop students key competences. It also intended, taking as a model the European project Future
Classroom Lab (FCL) of European Schoolnet, coordinated by the INTEF, in collaboration with the autonomous
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