No. 1-2 (1992)

Receptive learning in science: preconceptions, cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies

Published July 1, 1992


Science learning, Learning strategies, Metacognition
How to Cite
Otero, J. (1992). Receptive learning in science: preconceptions, cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies. Tarbiya, Revista De Investigación E Innovación Educativa, (1-2), 57–66. Retrieved from


Science learning problems have been variously considered by science education researchers. This article examines some of the relations beteween science teaching and science learning. The influence of students' knowledge on the acquisition of new scientific information is examined first. Cognitive strategies used by science students in acquiring information from science texts are discussed in the second place. The last analysis concerns the role of metacognitive strategies like those involved in monitoring comprehension.


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