The impact of social networks on individuals and society: social networks, social sheepfold, or spider's web?
Social networks, Influencers, Fake news domination, Critical spirit, TechnocracyAbstract
Social networks have two very clear functions: facilitating communication and the exchange of information and favoring the creation of communities. Those two functions can help you understand their rapid growth and their omnipresence in people's lives. However, this phenomenon can be understood as an indirect consequence of living in a society of emptiness, deeply unhappy despite the wide offer of happiness based on consumption. And that leads us to have to explore the complexity of the problem and the damage that those networks are causing in society. Social media is likely to have a two-sided face, heroes and villains at the same time. A first approach tells us that they serve to communicate and to create communities; but deepening something more perhaps its function is to pretend that the emptiness and unhappiness of people is filled through shopping and gossip. The risk of imbecilitating the population or its transformation into a spider's web that catches all of us in a covert dictatorship, 1984 that provides no more happiness than that of Huxley's brave new world. However, it worth maintaining the hope that we will not reach such negative situations. Possibly we will once again stop short of pressing the red button of our self-destruction.
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