No. 49 (2021): Human beings and technology

The transhuman: challenges for morality and education

Rafael Robles Loro
Profesor de Filosofía en Enseñanza Secundaria
Plaza Mayor de la UAM
Published December 21, 2021


Transhumanism, Morality, Education, Existential risks, Artificial intelligence, Bio-improvement, Bioconservatism
How to Cite
Robles Loro, R. (2021). The transhuman: challenges for morality and education. Tarbiya, Revista De Investigación E Innovación Educativa, (49).


Much is being published about the relationship between the transhuman and its educational and, above all, moral implications; the problem is that no agreement is reached about how these implications will be between the two sensibilities confronted by this event: transhumanists and bioconservatives. In the following pages we try to make a portrait of the current situation of the debate and propose more open questions from our position closer to bioconservatism.


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