No. 49 (2021): Human beings and technology

The impact of technology on education

Esther García Tejedor
Dra. en Filosofía. Profesora del Kensigton School
Plaza Mayor de la UAM
Published December 21, 2021


ICT, Educative models, Critical thinking, Algorithmic thinking, Semantic thinking
How to Cite
García Tejedor, E. (2021). The impact of technology on education. Tarbiya, Revista De Investigación E Innovación Educativa, (49).


ICT didn’t come out from teaching, they bounced into it. This irruption has caused a set of abnormalities related with teaching contents, tools and evaluation systems. Social changes demand a change in teaching paradigm. The purpose here is to analyze pillars upon which building up this new paradigm. It affects to investigation capability, dealing with contents and evaluation procedures. Common perspective in the study of ICT roll in teaching is how they have incorporated new tools. Another perspective, maybe more essential for this change, is taken here: how to convert ICT in a subject of reflection and thought for learners and students.


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