No. 49-50 (2019)

The Ukamau Nation: Appropriations of the Cinematographic and Performing Indigenous Technique in The Secret Nation (1989)

Portada el número 49-50: Ukamau abigarrado
Published July 15, 2020


Ukamau Group, Bolivia, integral sequence shot, Reynaldo Yujra, cinema, indigenous performance
How to Cite
NAHMAD RODRÍGUEZ, A. D. . (2020). The Ukamau Nation: Appropriations of the Cinematographic and Performing Indigenous Technique in The Secret Nation (1989). Secuencias, (49-50), 57–78. (Original work published July 3, 2020)


From its origins the Ukamau Group unleashed the amazement of scholars, critics and film historians, as well as of hundreds of spectators around the world. From these first moments, the figure of Jorge Sanjinés eclipsed the panorama of film critics and film historians in the region. This has not been without justification, since he synthesized multiple processes of left-wing aesthetic. Without trying to minimize the merits of the most constant member in the production of Ukamau Group and of all Bolivian cinema, this work problematizes the figure of the «group», and reflects upon its film production. Many of the aesthetic merits of this film collective are not due to individual creation but to multiple and complex production processes that were enhanced by a collective authorship. As a result, the intention of this text is to discuss this relation, through Reynaldo Yujra's performance as an actor, by analyzing one of the most important film works in Bolivian cinema, The Secret Nation (Grupo Ukamau, 1989), where the theoretical and aesthetic proposal of indigenization was incipiently carried out through the integral sequence shot.


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