No. 49-50 (2019)

Ukamau Before Ukamau? New Approaches to Film History in 1960s Bolivia

Portada el número 49-50: Ukamau abigarrado
Published July 15, 2020


Ukamau Group, Jorge Sanginés, Bolivian cinema, Latin American cinema, indigenous media
How to Cite
WOOD, D. M. J. . (2020). Ukamau Before Ukamau? New Approaches to Film History in 1960s Bolivia. Secuencias, (49-50), 15–32. (Original work published July 3, 2020)


This article analyses the work carried out in promoting, historizing, producing and exhibiting cinema in early 1960s Bolivia by the group of filmmakers who would go on to establish the Ukamau Group towards the end of that decade. Firstly, it discusses the implications of the use of the term «Ukamau Group» by the filmmakers themselves and by the scholarly community as a way of historicizing and periodising a crucial episode in Bolivian film history. Subsequently, it proposes a reading of the film activities of Jorge Sanjinés and his collaborators that demonstrates the cultural, political, and aesthetic linkages between the film culture of early-1960s Bolivia and broader national and transnational forms of conceiving cinema. Finally, the article argues for the development of new, de-centred approaches to the study of such material that transcends canonical or auteur-centred versions of film history.


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