No. 46 (2017)

The Star as A Disruptive Force: Greta Garbo and Its Reception in Spain in the Twenties and Thirties

Evelyne Coutel
ENS Lyon
Published May 3, 2019


Spain, twentieth century, star system, Greta Garbo, gender studies, film creation, film author
How to Cite
Coutel, E. (2019). The Star as A Disruptive Force: Greta Garbo and Its Reception in Spain in the Twenties and Thirties. Secuencias, (46).


This article studies how Greta Garbo’s star image was built in the specific context of Spain in the twenties and thirties, a period in which film journals enjoyed a boost in this country thanks to the arrival of magazines such as Popular Film or La pantalla. Garbo’s reception is connected with the debates on national cinema, characterized by the rejection of the «españolada» and Hollywood female stereotypes such as vamps that brought the spectre of Carmen back, stereotypes Garbo had tried to overcome through her rejection of playing such roles. In the late twenties, her image was positively regarded and some intellectuals described her as a «star-author». Then I analyse the changes occurred in the thirties, when the proclamation of the Second Republic meant an improvement of women’s status that triggered a crisis of masculinity. Such crisis can be traced in cinematographic culture as some journalists claimed the director’s «superiority», now presented as the authentic custodian of creative genius to the detriment of stars, which were henceforth attacked and denigrated with the aim of reasserting the status of the artistic creation as a male prerogative. Finally, this paper focuses on the influence of Greta Garbo on Spanish female spectatorship, which helps to better understand what has been previously described.


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