No. 54 (2021)

Memory, Cinema, and Identity in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Towards a Historical Understanding of the Sivan vs. Finkielkraut Trial

Joaquín Kirjner
El Colegio de México
Published March 24, 2022


Palestine, Israel, Nakba, Shoah, Memory, Cinema, National Identity
How to Cite
Kirjner, J. (2022). Memory, Cinema, and Identity in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Towards a Historical Understanding of the Sivan vs. Finkielkraut Trial. Secuencias, (54), 75–91.


The aim of this article is to analyse how collective memory is built around the Holocaust and the Nakba, and how they are represented in the context of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, focusing on the cinematographic phenomenon and the political and identity conflict. Hence, the documentary Route 181, fragments d’un voyage en Palestine-Israël (Eyal Sivan and Michel Khleifi, 2003) and its intertextuality with the film Shoah (Claude Lanzmann, 1985) will be analysed, delineating the theoretical framework for the study of nations and the construction of narratives and collective memories, paying particular attention to the issue of cinematic production as a way of representing the past. It will delve into the conflict that emerged after the release of Route 181, addressing the critiques made by Alain Finfielkraut and the dispute brought to trial in 2006 by Sivan, as they were part of the battles for memory and the reification of the past in the context of the Israel-Palestine conflict. In this sense, the film’s readings respond to the national communities’ narrative frameworks, and they become key sources for understanding memory’s complexities and national struggles. In order to understand historically this problematic, it will be analysed the role of the Holocaust and the Nakba within collective memories and their importance in the articulation of arguments and discourses during the trial. Therefore, this conflict works as a specific case study over concrete dynamics within the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


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