Vol. 6 (2022)

Influencia de la musicoterapia en la salud mental de personas adultas institucionalizadas

Marcos Nevado Minaya
Published December 24, 2022


musicoterapia, autoestima, alexitimia, anhedonia social, expresividad emocional
How to Cite
Nevado Minaya, M., & Fernández Company, F. . (2022). Influencia de la musicoterapia en la salud mental de personas adultas institucionalizadas. Revista De Investigación En Musicoterapia, 6. https://doi.org/10.15366/rim2022.6.001


Although over the last few decades there has been a great deal of research into the benefits and efficacy of music therapy, there has been little research into its use in adults with institutionalized mental illness. The main objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of a music therapy programmer in improving the levels of alexithymia, social anhedonia, self-esteem and emotional expressiveness in adults with institutionalized mental health problems. Eight active music therapy sessions based on the Nordoff-Robbins model were carried out, one per week, lasting 60 minutes. Ten adult mental health patients (60% female, M= 52.66 females and 49.75 males) participated in the study. Although the results showed no significant changes in the variables studied with respect to the use of music therapy, an increase in self-esteem was observed in the majority of participants, a decrease in the overall mean of alexithymia and a higher level of positive emotional expressions after each session. In short, further quality research is considered necessary to increase knowledge about the efficacy of music therapy interventions in the field of mental health for institutionalized adults.


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