No. 42 (2020)

Product liability in honduran law

Nicolás J. García Pineda
Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
Portada del número 42 de la Revista Jurídica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published December 29, 2020


Defective product, strict liability, consumer relations, consumer expectations, burden of proof
How to Cite
García Pineda, N. J. (2020). Product liability in honduran law. Revista Jurídica Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, (42), 17–45.


The progressive protectionist tendency of consumers led to the consolidation of civil liability for defective products as a special regime, specified through postulates whose purpose is to correct the asymmetry between consumers and entrepreneurs. The profound transformations reached the regulatory systems that govern globally, due to the matter´s economic and social relevance. In Honduran law the subject remains unknown to scientific doctrine and national jurisprudence. The purpose of this study is to provide exegetical vectors on the topic, seeking to build an appropriate system of protection in favor of consumers.


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