Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Indigenous Knowledge and Education: Experiences and Perspectives in the Americas

Learning from above: Andean cosmologies and radio pedagogy in the experience of Pukllasunchis

Jorge Legoas
Queen's University
Maite Zeisser
Rhodes University
Margarita Gutiérrez
Asociación Pukllasunchis
Published July 1, 2024


Learning, pedagogy, indigenous ontologies, radio, intangible heritage
How to Cite
Legoas, J., Zeisser, M., & Gutiérrez, M. (2024). Learning from above: Andean cosmologies and radio pedagogy in the experience of Pukllasunchis. Revista Educación, Política Y Sociedad, 9(2), 71–106. https://doi.org/10.15366/reps2024.9.2.003


This paper presents the process of analysis of three actors from different fields of expertise on school learning in a program of the Pukllasunchis Association, a civil society organization working on intercultural education in Peru. The results of the analysis show the key role the radio can play in a pedagogical practice that is not only sensitive to the cultural specificity of high Andean communities, but also acts from that base and strengthens it. The analysis of the program is finally combined with theoretical approaches to the ontological foundation of what we usually call “culture”, to point out the need to complement the idea of “interculturality” with a notion of “internaturality” that allows to focus learning from the way Andean actors relate to their environment. We conclude with considerations for thinking policies that address learning issues in practice.


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