No. 48 (2021): Open Issue

Ten Theses for a Theory of Trans-State Relations

Félix Pablo Friggeri
Portada número 48
Published October 26, 2021


Trans-State Relations Theory, praxis of popular struggle, Latin American and Caribbean integration, Plurinationality, Popular sovereignty, International relations, epistemic-political place
How to Cite
Friggeri, F. P. (2021). Ten Theses for a Theory of Trans-State Relations. Relaciones Internacionales, (48), 31–50.


The objective of this paper is to present a basic proposal for a research agenda with a view to a theoretical construction that contributes to a popular and decolonizing perspective in the field of what is usually called Theories of International Relations. Projecting the cosmovisional and constitutional principle of Plurinationality towards this area, a questioning of a series of elements of the predominant theories is presented.  Moreover,  it seeks to begin to lay the foundations to pursue a process of research and analysis towards an alternative theoretical construction that, provisionally, is called Theory of Trans-State Relations. The epistemic-political basis of it is the reflection on the praxis of popular struggle and its potential to become an analytical perspective for trans-state relations. Methodologically, it is an interdisciplinary work that works on the articulation of concepts on the way to a theory, as proposed by Amado Cervo, where it works based on proposals arising from three sources: from the reflection of the popular struggles of the region, mainly from those coming from indigenous movements; from concepts and convictions arising from regional history and its reflection; and, from the base, mainly, of Latin American authors who have developed the same popular and decolonizing perspective that the article claims to have. From there, ten theses are prepared with the intention that they serve as the basis for a theoretical articulation. The structuring of the work is done in relation to the formulation and explanation of these ten theses. This explanation is not exhaustive due to the limited extension that an article of these characteristics must have.  However,  also, at least in some cases, because it is a process still under construction and that needs to be developed further. In any case, it is hoped that the joint presentation of these theses provides a panoramic vision that makes it possible to visualize the fundamental contents of the theoretical project. There are also a series of topics whose treatment could complement and enrich the proposal, and which are not treated in the article due to the limits set forth above.

In the introduction, a brief presentation is made of the historical and current problems of academic production on the so-called Theories of International Relations, noting that it predominantly contains a character strongly linked to the interests and perspectives of the main sectors of power worldwide. Their colonized reproduction in our region causes a predominant environment which engenders a lack of creativity and, above all, lack of reference to the realities of our peoples and their struggles. Although there are invaluable efforts to build alternatives closer to our realities, they are still limited in number and, many times, politically and epistemically limited.

The ten proposed theses are the following:

  1. The Latin American and Caribbean States are Plurinational - even though only two have constitutionally recognized it - therefore the relations that transcend the States are not international relations but trans-state relations
  2. The colonized character of the Theory of International Relations makes it fundamentally useless and harmful for an analysis of the relations that transcend the State from a Latin American popular perspective, therefore new paradigms must be created for its reading: the Theory of Trans-State Relations aspires to be one of them
  3. The Theory of Trans-State Relations provides elements to overcome the state-centricity that marked the evolution of the study of so-called "international relations", focusing on the issue of integration from the peoples of the region.
  4. The Theory of Trans-State Relations intends to make an epistemic contribution to the study of relations that transcend the States in Latin America and the Caribbean based on the production of knowledge from popular, mainly indigenous, wisdom in the fight against colonial-capitalist imposition
  5. The Theory of Trans-State Relations maintains that Popular Sovereignty must be distinguished and repositioned above State Sovereignty. Therefore, it must also be its guide and reference, and in order to strengthen both dimensions of Sovereignty in Latin America and the Caribbean, they have to find ways to exercise Shared Sovereignty among the peoples and states of the region.
  6. The Theory of Trans-State Relations argues that it is necessary through construction of knowledge to provide an analysis of Class Racism that goes through the so-called "international relations"
  7. The Theory of Trans-State Relations intends to provide knowledge that gives consistency and validity to the counter-hegemonic integration process of the Latin American and Caribbean region.
  8. The Theory of Trans-State Relations, thought from Latin America, can be a contribution to the South-South dialogue since its decolonizing approach in the epistemic and the political points to a common reality of the Political South
  9. The Theory of Trans-State Relations starts from a commitment to a search for paths of justice and alternative paths to overcome capitalism that, based on the praxis and reflection of the Indigenous Movement, recovers in a fruitful Dialogue of Knowledge the great Latin American contributions in this sense (Theory of Dependency, Liberation Christianity, Indo-American Socialism, and all the reflection and the original revolutionary praxis very rich in Latin America).  Thus, it aspires to serve as a joint contribution, mainly with the other regions affected by the Coloniality of Power (or of the Political South) so that this search can be global
  10. The Theory of Trans-State Relations works from a biocentric paradigm, based on the worldviews and praxis of indigenous peoples and nations, which must be fundamental elements for the articulation of relations between peoples and between States.

Each of these theses is accompanied by an explanatory analysis where some of the bases of its support are proposed. As already stated, the analysis in this article is not exhaustive, and aims to provide elements to constitute a panoramic vision that allows the basic understanding of the meaning of the theoretical proposal that is being built.

In the final considerations, together with the review of the central issues, the intention is expressed to broaden the agenda of the so-called "international relations", but also to generate debate on the issues that habitually and currently occupy it from a popular and decolonizing Latin American-Caribbean perspective. The conviction is also expressed that this proposal can be projected towards dialogue with other projects of the Political South. Finally, the need to link the popular struggles of the region with the task of producing academic knowledge is affirmed.


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