No. 43 (2020): Human security, 25 years later

Security priorities and hegemonic narratives towards Somalia: foreign policy of the United States (1992-2009)

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published February 5, 2020


International Terrorism, Securitization, USA, Somalia, Al-Shabab
How to Cite
MORÓN-CARA ORTEGA, Y. (2020). Security priorities and hegemonic narratives towards Somalia: foreign policy of the United States (1992-2009). Relaciones Internacionales, (43), 131–149.


In 2002 Somalia was openly designated as a "breeding ground for international terrorism" by the United States’ Undersecretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz, marking its reappearance on the US foreign policy agenda as a priority country.  Starting from the theoretical contributions of securitization theory, this research will study the changes produced in US foreign policy since 1992 with the active and military involvement of the US in Somalia, until the end of the term of George W. Bush in 2009, discursive promoter of the Global War on Terror —GWoT—. The study aims to shed light on the security logic behind American foreign policy, materialized in the hegemonic narratives to Somalia, the labelling of the actors, the securitization of aid along counterterrorism lines, the change in the role of the US, and, in addition, the subordination of the Somali political agenda to the international security agenda.



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