No. 43 (2020): Human security, 25 years later

Building the Global Compact for Migration: human security as a diplomatic paradigm

Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México
Published February 5, 2020


Migration, diplomacy, human security, United Nations, international development
How to Cite
DE LA MORA SALCEDO, F. (2020). Building the Global Compact for Migration: human security as a diplomatic paradigm. Relaciones Internacionales, (43), 87–110.


The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) is a notable diplomatic achievement for the United Nations. The diplomatic process that led to the GCM was designed with human security in mind and with the objective to address migration in all its dimensions. Negotiations demonstrated a tension between concerns over state sovereignty and the rights of migrants. While valid criticism exists surrounding the GCM, employing human security as a diplomatic paradigm gave way to inclusive dialogues, resulting in a cooperative framework to strengthen states’ capacities to address the migratory phenomenon. Having the human being at the center of the analysis is easily said, but translating it into intergovernmentally negotiated public policies carries significant challenges. On such varied topics like child detention, labor protection and due process, the GCM represents a contribution from human security to present day migration, and provides a model to be considered for future diplomatic processes.


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