No. 40 (2019): Dialogues with Francisco Javier Peñas Esteban: interrogating the theory of international relations

Standard of civilization: The Histories of International Relations

Francisco Javier PEÑAS ESTEBAN
Número 40
Published February 18, 2019
How to Cite
PEÑAS ESTEBAN, F. J. (2019). Standard of civilization: The Histories of International Relations. Relaciones Internacionales, (40), 171–195.


Deceased a year ago, Paco was the founder of this journal in which, in his memory, we published one of his most recognized texts in English.


I. Reason of state and homogeneity.

II. Challenges to the order.

III. Conversion and/or conquest.

IV. European borders: the Mediterranean and the New World.

1. The Mediterranean as a border.
2. Second episode: the Requirement.
V. European expansion: imperialism and civilization.

1. Third episode: the standard of civilization.
2. Fourth episode: division and tutelage of Africa.
VI. Civilizing strands.


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