No. 39 (2018): On resistance: Discussions in International Relations

Constructive work and reclaiming the commons as decolonizing nonviolent resistance

Eastern Washington University
Número 39
Published August 17, 2018


Decolonizing, nonviolent resistance, constructive program, the commons, revolutionary nonviolence
How to Cite
CHABOT, S. (2018). Constructive work and reclaiming the commons as decolonizing nonviolent resistance. Relaciones Internacionales, (39), 19–36.


Scholars of nonviolent resistance, in particular, almost exclusively focus on oppositional action against oppressive forces. They pay much less attention to positive dimensions of resistance that allow practitioners to create alternative social relationships and ways of life. As a result, studies on nonviolent resistance tend to take “the colonizer’s model of the world” for granted. This article contest the prevailing approach by drawing on Gandhi, on the one hand, and autonomist Marxist and anarchist literature, on the other, to explore decolonizing forms of nonviolent resistance. It argues that Gandhi’s “constructive program” and autonomist Marxist thought on “reclaiming the commons” offer tools that are relevant for innovative research on decolonizing nonviolent resistance. And it shows that the Zapatista movement and revolutionary Zapatista women are on the frontlines of experiments with constructive work and autonomous commons in the world today. They demonstrate to scholars as well as activists that revolutionary nonviolence for dignity and self-rule remains possible.


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