No. 36 (2017): Migrations in the current International System: forced migrations and global capitalism dynamics

Discipline and Escape. Mexican Migrant Workers’ Subjectivities in New York

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Published October 28, 2017


Migrants, Subjectivities , Flanged labour , Living labor , Escape
How to Cite
CORDERO DÍAZ, B. L. (2017). Discipline and Escape. Mexican Migrant Workers’ Subjectivities in New York. Relaciones Internacionales, (36), 159–176.


This article deals with the contradictory nature of the subjectivities that mexican rural migrants in the United States put into play as they join the catering industry labor market and social life in New York.  Considering the ‘despotic power of capital’ and the ‘flight’ of active labour as two poles of power relations in which migrants feature, this paper will show that the subjectivities and practices never move in one direction within these poles, but that they are crossed through with antagonism. Thus, the analysis will concern how migrants are disciplined, as they defy the restrained character of the work they carry out in the restaurants, where the disposition and exploitation of their labour is produced by a combination of illegality, precarity, and subjectivization.  As a consequence, different meanings of 'flight' are introduced from the point of view of the migrants and in relation to the subordination and the discipline of the work in New York.  This can be contrasted with the subordination of the rural work in their place of origin, from the viewpoint of a multipolar field of defection and subtraction, where the 'flight' appears to be more the marking of a tense and contradictory process, than a one-directional line of escape. 


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