No. 36 (2017): Migrations in the current International System: forced migrations and global capitalism dynamics

Memories of the land that dried up. Discussing environmental migration from Chalcatzingo

Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset
Published October 28, 2017


environmental migration , territoriality, production of space , memory , agrarian crisis
How to Cite
RIVAUD DELGADO, F. (2017). Memories of the land that dried up. Discussing environmental migration from Chalcatzingo. Relaciones Internacionales, (36), 137–157.


The notion of environmental migration remains in the middle of a debate: those who consider ecological problems to be the origin of certain migratory flows are confronted with those who believe that even if this is unquestionable, it does not supercede other economic and cultural factors. This article aims to shift the focus of the debate, from the search for a definition of environmental migrants, towards the search for a method that incorporates the environmental in the analysis of migrations. In order to achieve this, it proposes to adopt a spatial approach, allowing for the observation of a wide range of interactions, both material and symbolic, that are woven between a society and its space. To put this approach into practice the author takes the case of Chalcatzingo, a town in central Mexico, in which three important elements from environmental migration studies come together: agriculture, environmental degradation, and emigration. In order to analyze the role of the environment among the expulsion factors, a history of the territoriality of the town is developed, in which the “memories of the land” are intertwined with the agricultural history of the country and the migratory flow in the region.


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