No. 33 (2016): From Rio to Paris: The Evolution of International Relations around the Environment

Drug policy reform in South America: Towards a Multiaxial Model of Preventive Regulation

Nicolás Matías COMINI
Universidad del Salvador
Published October 31, 2016


UNASUR, UNGASS, Cooperation, Drugs, Latin America
How to Cite
COMINI, N. M. (2016). Drug policy reform in South America: Towards a Multiaxial Model of Preventive Regulation. Relaciones Internacionales, (33), 121–141.


Since the creation of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) in 2008, its members evidence an endogenous contradiction in relation to the illegal drug issue. While on one hand they are demanding a new approach to the world drug issue, focused on human rights and promoting initiatives oriented to harm reduction; on the other hand, many of them are implementing internal punitive measures, based on a supply-centric strategy and criminalization of drug users. This article analyzes some important factors that increase and constrain the coordination of a joint position among South American states on the illegal drug topic through the definition of two approaches —uniaxial and multiaxial—. Those approaches are characterized by the different consideration of three elements: the current legislation that affects the states’ behavior in relation to this issue; the dimensions of the problem; and the actors who try to exercise an influence on —and at the same time are influenced by— both the legislation and the dimensions. This paper also argues that a multiaxial cooperation dynamic could represent a useful long-term strategy to counterbalance the negative spillover effects of a uniaxial war on drugs policy.


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