No. 34 (2017): From Rio to Paris: Developments in International Relations around the environment II

The paradigm of “sustainability”: Global governance and the European model of “sustainable development”

Issue 34
Published February 24, 2017


Global law , climate change , environmental protection , global governance , Sustainability
How to Cite
SÁNCHEZ GALERA, M. D. (2017). The paradigm of “sustainability”: Global governance and the European model of “sustainable development”. Relaciones Internacionales, (34), 9–29.


This article seeks to analyze the conceptual challenges embedded in the global legal system’s sustainability paradigm. Our discussion focuses on the European Union’s legal commitment for the implementation of sustainable development policies. It would be difficult to understand it without paying attention to the global context and the sustainable development guidelines under the so called “global governance”. To do this, we have set up an analytical framework that assesses the parameters of global law —a pivotal reference in legal discourse in recent years. EU legislation within the field of “sustainability” can only be understood in light of the parallel effort, via international agreements, for the definition of concepts, categories and basic principles upon which we can ultimately formulate an intergenerational justice principle. Furthermore, as proposed by the Brundtland Report, despite the difficulties arising from the lack of consensus on the meaning of “sustainable development”, the TFEU and the TEU provide guidelines for a stronger interpretation of a conceptual model of sustainable development. In this way, it is possible to argue that Europe has now an undeniable sustainability acquis communautaire.


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