No. 32 (2016): Rethinking "Terrorism" from an international perspective

State terrorism. The south of the American continent during the 1970s. A case of state terrorism transnationalization

Julio Lisandro CAÑÓN VOIRIN
Licenciado en Historia por Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Máster en Historia Contemporánea por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela y Doctor en Historia por la misma universidad. Ha publicado asimismo Terrorismo de Estado y Política Educativa, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, 2012.
Published June 30, 2016


State terrorism , dictatorship , Southern Cone , Condor Operation
How to Cite
CAÑÓN VOIRIN, J. L. (2016). State terrorism. The south of the American continent during the 1970s. A case of state terrorism transnationalization. Relaciones Internacionales, (32), 185–202.


During the 1970s, for the first time in the political history of Southern Cone, a supranational integration between the various dictatorships in the region was established. Those dictatorships intensified state repressive action, by operating a counterrevolutionary war machinery of state, with a clear desire to liquidate the opposition that reached its objective through the disappearance of people and the spread of terror. A result of this process was the massive violation of human rights with no national or ideological boundaries. In the social sciences, the conceptualization of state terrorism was used before its conceptual precision allowed uniform criteria. This article contributes with a conceptual theoretical reflection to advance the understanding of the specific mechanisms of emergence, expansion and transnationalization of state terrorism. It is exemplified by the specific study of Operación Cóndor, which demonstrates the integration of the dictatorships of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.


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