Debates on Terrorism under the aegis of the War on Terror: a Sociopolitical Approach
Conflict , Political Violence , Terrorism , Counterterrorism , War on TerrorCopyright (c) 2016 Relaciones Internacionales
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This paper develops a sociopolitical analysis of contemporary debates on terrorism. It departs form the assumptions that political violence and its scientific explanation, can only be grasped under sociohistorical contexts and it requires interdisciplinary and reflexive effort. Therefore, contemporary debates need to be addressed under the ideological logics of the War on Terror. Under these premises, the paper examines mainstream accounts —Terrorism Studies— and Critical Studies on Terrorism. After 9/11, the huge increase of research, publications, think tanks and expert’s communities has consolidated an industry of terrorism knowledge that produces justifications of counterterrorist policies. At the same time, there is an emerging movement in the field, producing fresh and alternative explanations borrowing from Critical Traditions. From both grounds, efforts are being made to produce narratives of legitimization /delegitimization of contemporary practices of counterterrorism. It is in this sense that they become part of a wider conflict.
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