No. 30 (2015): Relaciones Internacionales’ 10th anniversary

Becoming Remote... Living in the Ruins. Toward a Critique of Digital Humanitarianism

Profesor Emérito y y antiguo director del Global Insecurities Centre de la Universidad de Bristol en el Reino Unido.
Published November 1, 2015


digital humanitarianism , resilience, security governance , critical infrastructure , remote management
How to Cite
DUFFIELD, M. (2015). Becoming Remote. Living in the Ruins. Toward a Critique of Digital Humanitarianism. Relaciones Internacionales, (30), 73–95.


With humanitarian disaster management as a main example, this article takes a critical look at some recent changes in the nature of security governance.  Especially, the withdrawal from face-to-face engagement with the external world in favour of developing techniques of remote sensing and management.  In disaster management, the rapid adoption of information technologies and data analysis has provided a means to recapture distance digitally.   Despite the hubris and affirmatory claims surrounding this adoption, the paper goes on to argue that such forms of recapture have concerning consequences.  For example, the growing dependency on remote sensing and management is an essential part of the rise to dominance of resilience-thinking.  We are no longer expected to control or protect ourselves from disaster events.  The aim now is to endlessly adapt. Using examples drawn from cash-transfer programmes and the current Google and Facebook plans to connect difficult to reach populations in the global South, the paper concludes with the critical argument that new technology has the ability to lock-in inequality rather than promoting freedom or development.


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