No. 23 (2013): Crisis, Security, Politics

Terrorising the Political: 9/11 Within the Context of the Globalisation of Violence

Andreas BEHNKE
Profesor Adjunto en el Departamento de Ciencia Política en la Universidad de Towson, Maryland, EE.UU.
Published June 24, 2013


Terrorism, Political Violence , Theory of the Partisan , globalisation , Al-Qaeda
How to Cite
BEHNKE, A. (2013). Terrorising the Political: 9/11 Within the Context of the Globalisation of Violence. Relaciones Internacionales, (23), 117–148.


The starting point for this paper is a general sense of intellectual dissatisfaction with liberal interpretations that place the event of 9/11 outside the realm of politics. Taking issue with this de-politisation of “Terrorism” and the invocation of a metaphysics of Good and Evil in explaining its occurrence, this article offers an alternative perspective that places this event within the context of a general globalisation of Violence. Drawing on Schmitt’s Theorie des Partisanen, I argue for the immanent rather than metaphysical nature of ‘terrorism’ in contemporary global politics as an expression of resistance to the universalist regime of truth that underlies globalisation.


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