No. 23 (2013): Crisis, Security, Politics

A vision of Latin America from the perspective of the Contemporary International Security agenda

Mariano César BARTOLOMÉ
Doctor en Relaciones Internacionales, profesor de la Universidad del Salvador (USAL), la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) y la Universidad Nacional de Lanús (UNLa)
Published June 25, 2013


Security , Defense, Threats, Armed Forces , Latin America
How to Cite
BARTOLOMÉ, M. C. (2013). A vision of Latin America from the perspective of the Contemporary International Security agenda. Relaciones Internacionales, (23), 35–64.


Currently in the International Relations field security issues are placed in the main positions of the discipline as a result of a process that last more than four decades. During that time the agenda was expanded and increased its complexity thanks to the interaction of several factors.

This article describes and explains the limits and contents of contemporary International Security agenda, emphasizing the coexistence of two antagonistic  perspectives, the first with orthodox sense that rejects any changes, and  the latter more heterogeneous and  dynamic than the former. In second term, related to both points of view, the article analyzes the situation of Latin America, specially its conventional and unconventional threats, the existence of multilateral security architectures, and the normative and doctrinarian differences between the armed forces of the hemisphere.


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