No. 20 (2012): International Relations Polysemy of Historical Time: a theoretical view from the Philosophy of History

China and Argentina: opportunities and challenges or the result of a dependent association

Pablo Alejandro NACHT
Licenciado en ciencia política y magíster en relaciones económicas internacionales. Becario CONICET, investigador del IIHES-IDEHESI y Doctorando en FLACSO Argentina
Published June 29, 2012


rural bourgeoisie , industrial bourgeois , soybean, soja
How to Cite
NACHT, P. A. (2012). China and Argentina: opportunities and challenges or the result of a dependent association. Relaciones Internacionales, (20), 107–128.


This research article focus on the process of vinculation and coordination between different argentinian actors and China. It seeks to understand the role of the fractions of the power bloc (rural bourgeoisie, national industrial bourgeoisie, etc.) relevant to the relationship with China in the period stated. The work ranges from 2002 to 2007 and shows the capitalist accumulation regime´s change, showing a new configuration of forces within the bloc and the relationship with the asian giant as leading partner. The agro-exporters and oil sectors stand as the main beneficiaries in this relationship, while the national industrial bourgeoisie pressed to stem the flow of Chinese products. The argentine state far from being a neutral actor, receives substantial resources from the proceeds as export duties and is used by the Government, shaping itself in this way scenario tensions and struggles between sectors, crystallizes as a neo extractive model with transgenic soybean monoculture and export commodities.


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