No. 20 (2012): International Relations Polysemy of Historical Time: a theoretical view from the Philosophy of History

Path to perfection: the liberal social imaginary of International Relations

Francisco Javier PEÑAS ESTEBAN
Profesor Titular de Relaciones Internacionales de la UAM
Published June 27, 2012


modern social imaginaries , universalism , History as progress , liberalism , International Relations Theory
How to Cite
PEÑAS ESTEBAN, F. J. (2012). Path to perfection: the liberal social imaginary of International Relations. Relaciones Internacionales, (20), 31–61.


"Path to perfection" is a title with some tradition within Spanish literature. Here it is used as a literary figure that conveys the enlightened and teleological idea of a way forward of Humanity towards perfection. Such idea is the main pillar of the modern liberal social imaginary. This faith in progress and in moral improvement stands firm in spite of the catastrophes –manmade most of them- that mark European history. International Relations work as a domain where this progress is easily questioned.


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