No. 18 (2011): Political Dynamics in the Horn of Africa

Sovereignty in Africa: Quasi-Statehood and Other Myths in International Theory

Siba N'Zatioula GROVOGUI
profesor de Ciencia Política del Centro de Estudios Africanos de la Universidad John Hopkins
Published October 31, 2011


Regime of sovereignty , post-colonial state , Democratic Republic of Congo/Zaire , Belgium , Switzerland, Africa, power
How to Cite
GROVOGUI, S. N. (2011). Sovereignty in Africa: Quasi-Statehood and Other Myths in International Theory. Relaciones Internacionales, (18), 137–155.


This chapter focuses on two oft-repeated errors. One is the notion that Western states uniformly possess a certain organic coherence generated by a purposeful fit between state and nation, a legitimate state desire to maintain this relation, a proven state capacity to defend itself against competing entities. The other is that post-colonial sovereignty constitutes an historical deviation from Western norms, both as a juridical fiction and an empirical reality. [...] To illustrate my points, I will consider the historical forms of sovereignty that Western hegemons envisioned for Belgium and Switzerland, on the one hand, and Congo/Zaire, on the other, during the last two centuries.


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