No. 18 (2011): Political Dynamics in the Horn of Africa

Brazil in South American Defense Council: obstacles to cooperation and leadership

Licenciada y Profesora en Relaciones Internacionales, egresada de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
Published October 31, 2011


South American Defense Council , Brazil , threats, trust , cooperation , leadership
How to Cite
CALDERÓN, E. (2011). Brazil in South American Defense Council: obstacles to cooperation and leadership. Relaciones Internacionales, (18), 89–111.


In the context of an inter-American security system whose functionality is compromised by the weak correlation between its proposal and the post-Cold War reality, the instauration of the South American Defense Council shows a milestone in the treatment of the issues arising from the defense sector and in the evolution of the links of the region countries. In this framework this article analyzes the role played by Brazil which, by virtue of their material capabilities would be able to lead a regional security process. The characteristics of South America as a sub-region with particular security dynamics prevent the possibility that the concept of cooperative security is affected. Besides, those characteristics detract, to some extent, the intentions of leadership from Brazil. So, this article aims to address the dynamics of security in the region while generating these obstacles.


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