No. 15 (2010): Regional Integration, Multilateralism in Latin America and South-South Relations

South-South Cooperation and regionalization in Latin America: the awakening of the asleep giant

Tahina OJEDA
investigadora del Instituto Universitario de Desarrollo y Cooperación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (IUDC-UCM)
Published November 1, 2010


regionalization , regionalism , Latin America , integration , South-South Cooperation
How to Cite
OJEDA, T. (2010). South-South Cooperation and regionalization in Latin America: the awakening of the asleep giant. Relaciones Internacionales, (15), 91–111.


The South-South Cooperation (SSC) is part of a new paradigm within the international relations of Latin-America. It is executed between Latin-American countries, and also between these and various Asian and African countries. Without any doubt, the SSC has created lot of possibilities in the international cooperation world, breaking in many cases with the traditional lines of the North-South cooperation and adding multiple state and non-state actors, which during the last ten years, have promoted a new peak of the SCC as a tool for integration and regionalization in Latin-America. From a Latin-American perspective and with an international relations focus, we will dedicate this article to study this form of cooperation and its influence in the regionalization dynamics in Latin-America, under the conceptual framework of the new regionalism and the post-liberal regionalism.


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