No. 14 (2010): Migratory Movements in the World: alternative and complementary views to Security and Development Approaches

Feminist Debates in the Analysis of Non-Communitarian Migration in Spain

profesora Titular de Antropología social en la Universidad de Granada
Published June 30, 2010


social change , gender, culture, global chains of care and affection , Transnational maternity
How to Cite
GREGORIO GIL, C. (2010). Feminist Debates in the Analysis of Non-Communitarian Migration in Spain. Relaciones Internacionales, (14), 93–115.


Even if recent, the theoretical production on gender and transnational migrations is very abundant. To this extent, we can identify the creation of a new “field” of study dealing with “gender and migrations”. Based on the analysis of the scientific work developed in Spain since the nineties of the XX century, I hereafter put forward the different subjects and matters that researchers have been involved with. I will also identify the “conceptual tensions” (as called by Virginia Maquieira in 2008). Finally, I will share some reflections stemming from my commitment as a social anthropologist and as a professor. These thoughts will try to define a specific look, neither ethnocentric nor andro-centric, on the issue of gender and migrations. My approach acknowledges the unquestionable value of ethnography as a key feature to understand the processes of reproduction and social change in our multicultural societies.


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