No. 14 (2010): Migratory Movements in the World: alternative and complementary views to Security and Development Approaches

The reinvention of the nexus of migration and development from the South of Europe: Spain’s and Ecuador’s case

doctora en Antropología Social por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published June 30, 2010


Development, Migration , Migratory Policy , European Union , Ecuatorianian Migration
How to Cite
CORTÉS MAISONAVE, A. (2010). The reinvention of the nexus of migration and development from the South of Europe: Spain’s and Ecuador’s case. Relaciones Internacionales, (14), 39–58.


This paper analyzes from the basis of ethnographic data, the reinvention of the nexus of migration and development as an european policy, driven from southern Europe. In this sense, Spain has played a leading role, in conjunction with two key elements: its setting as a country of immigration, and the growing arrival of migratory flows. In order to understand the political reinvention of the nexus of migration and development, it is necessary to contextualize its emergence in the evolution of the european migration system and the latin americanization of the flows that have come to Spain. Finally, attention is paid to one of the most important cases in order to understand the configuration of migration and development as an area for political intervention: the case of remittances between Ecuador and Spain.


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