No. 7 (2008): Religion and International Relations

Religion, Sovereignty and Democracy: thoughts on Islam and Christianism

Profesor titular en el Departamento de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad del Bósforo (Estambul-Turquía)
Published February 15, 2008


democracy, modern State, secularism, Turkey, Christianity, Islam
How to Cite
YILMAZ, H. (2008). Religion, Sovereignty and Democracy: thoughts on Islam and Christianism. Relaciones Internacionales, (7), 1–31.


Since September 11th the compatibility between Islam and democracy has been both a topic for academic discussion and part of the United States foreign policy towards Middle East. Although there is no consensus on the sources of this incompatibility, the aim of this article is to study, from a historic perspective, the limits of the "europeization" of the ruling party in Turkey, the Party of Justice and Development (AKP). Are we witnessing a “Christian democracy” alla turca that has found a way to harmonize European and Islamic values, or is it AKP's principal purpose to islamize Turkish society?


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