No. 53 (2023): Open issue

Wine and International Relations: enodiplomacy

María Teresa Mula Sánchez
Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU)
Milagros de Torres Fernández
Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP)
Ana María Molina García
Universidad de Alicante
Published June 28, 2023


International relations, enodiplomacy, diplomacy, oenology, wine, oenological culture
How to Cite
Mula Sánchez, M. T., de Torres Fernández, M. ., & Molina García, A. M. (2023). Wine and International Relations: enodiplomacy. Relaciones Internacionales, (53), 111–130.


This article deals with the recent concept of enodiplomacy in the field of International Relations, based on the study and analysis of the potential offered by wine in its cultural and human relations aspects, for nations, regions and cities to promote and develop an external image associated with this universe.

Taking into consideration that since the middle of the last century, the concept of diplomacy has broadened its spectrum and is not limited to the interaction of official representatives, but has diversified its approach to non-state actors, deeply rooted in national interests, aspirations, traditions and feelings, countries have discovered in their peculiar contributions to history, culture and human relations, a field to forge a coherent and friendly international image. The so-called "soft power", accordingly, opens up opportunities in international relations through new understandings of an ethical and peaceful nature, such as gastronomy, oenology, tourism, culture and cooperation between companies and governments, etc. This has given rise to formulations of diplomacy (cultural, corporate, commercial, gastrodiplomacy, enodiplomacy, etc.) and has produced neologisms to refer to these new forms.

In this dimension of the task of international representation, scholars and experts - in oenology, communication or international relations... - have discovered in the historical trajectory of wine, in the inveterate strength of its international trade and in its convivial aspect, a substantial value that can give effective results as an "ambassador" of their nations; from there, they stimulate international relations through events promoted by institutions and supported by other organizations (companies, international bodies, corporations...) featuring vines and wine, but with no immediate commercial objective, while projecting the most favourable image of their country.

This article therefore sets out to explore the emerging field of enodiplomacy from a theoretical-historical, descriptive and analytical point of view in order to achieve several objectives.

The first of these will consist in approaching a definition of the term that limits its scope and outlines its backbone.

The second objective derives from this: to define the field of action with respect to other concomitant areas in terms of lines or interests, such as official diplomacy, commercial diplomacy, marketing, etc., and also to distinguish this new discipline from gastrodiplomacy and cultural diplomacy, as well as from international marketing actions that implicitly have a commercial purpose as their primary stimulus.

Once the concept and field of action have been defined, the third objective is to analyse the historical aspect of international action on wine in its consolidated aspects.

The fourth objective focuses on the current vectors of projection, such as the occasions in which wine appears in official international events representing certain countries, but also in its host role (banquets, dinners,lunches, entertaining guests...). However, there are other diplomatic tasks that wine performs with great efficiency when it represents the way of life and the cordial and open coexistence in Spain, namely the Spanish wine as an institutional gift: sometimes in official diplomatic actions, at times in public diplomacy and some that come from a tradition established even outside our borders in recognition of those who have done something remarkable or represent values with which we identify ourselves. In the case of receptions attended by international representatives, the unfailing presence of wine in the brief speeches that accompany them cannot be overlooked: the toasts, i.e. the kind offering of friendship, good reception, resolutions for the future, peace and cooperation that these expressions of soft power entail.

Hence, the fifth objective is addressed, the specific diplomatic action around wine: events in which institutions and organizations such as embassies, the network of commercial offices that depend on the Institute for Foreign Trade (Icex) and the embassy in the country of destination, the Cervantes Institute, the Chambers of Commerce and the designations of origin themselves are actively involved. These are protocolary events in which wine takes on the true role of diplomatic representation of our country, as well as the international organizations whose core interests include wine and the vineyards.

As a sixth and final objective, it is hoped that lines of research of scientific interest will emerge from the analysis and study of this young discipline; these should be proposed so that the path taken by this promising line of knowledge can be completed and enriched with related studies that provide scientific solidity and experimental demonstration.

With respect to the order and structure of the concepts, an introduction, firstly, and the conclusions derived from it. Lastly, the analysis and discussion of the recent discipline of enodiplomacy is framed. This is the core of the article and comprises three main areas. The first, conceptual and historical, develops the theoretical foundations that frame the research, determining the origin of the term, the scope of the new concept and the concomitant aspects with related disciplines. It also studies the historical ties of wine with civilisation, and its historical link to culture and art in works that reflect the value of wine in human relations of international projection. In the second area, and very important, the current vectors of diplomatic action and international relations that have wine as an interpreter or protagonist: receptions, toasts and speeches in the international arena; its appreciation as an institutional gift representative of national values. The third part refers to the events organised by institutions and organisations (embassies, trade offices, chambers of commerce, Cervantes Institute, etc.) in which wine, without renouncing its gastronomic, cultural or commercial aspects, acts as an ambassador for our country; in this section, the role of international organisations in relation to wine is also considered. Finally, the conclusions offer a set of consequences and recommendations that can enhance the representative role of a country's spirit and its image on the international arena. The social perception of Spain abroad must also be built from factors related to quality and the development and implementation of communication strategies in international relations, which are what have made it possible for the image of a country to become a matter of state. The new strategic variables are necessary in a world that currently poses more uncertainties than certainties.



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