No. 50 / Quo Vadis? New agendas and frontiers in International Relations



Issue 50 / Quo Vadis? New agendas and frontiers in International Relations

Publication: June 2022

Relaciones Internacionales was founded in 2005 with the objective of extending and spreading the specialist, and markedly Anglo-Saxon, academic literature in international relations to Spanish language academic circles. Through this initiative, it was able to serve as a bridge for dialogue between the hegemonic centres of theoretical production and analysis on the international, and alternative proposals from Spanish language scholarship.

After 16 years, these circumstances have contributed to the publication having been constituted as a reference of the specialist Spanish language literature on international relations, being awarded the FECYT (Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology) Certification in 2019. The debates held therein, nevertheless, have also served as a stage for dialogue with the academic production of critical theories around the World. Thus, through its articles and different sections, the journal offers both original and unpublished contributions from researchers around the World, and also translations of classic texts in international relations to Spanish, providing and disseminating theoretical approaches, knowledge and tools of international relations in this language.

For all that, Relaciones Internacionales has dedicated itself to furthering the study and the academic debates around the complex international reality from an interdisciplinary perspective, showing special interest in those theoretical approaches that stress the need to develop a ‘situated’ account of international relations, past and present. In addition, it has also been particularly interested in those theoretical approaches that advocate analysing, among other factors, the role of ideas, discourses and identities in the configuration of international structures of power.

Settled on this trajectory, the 50th edition of the journal has the objective of furthering the theoretical discussion around the new directions taken by the discipline, in its inherent desire to confront its ontological insecurity as an academic discipline, and, at the same time, opening itself to other fields of knowledge. It is proposed, therefore, to offer an updated map of critical international relations, of its paradigmatic turns and its new research agendas, and its spaces of theoretical and methodological dialogue with contributions from other social sciences: Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, History, Law and Philosophy.

On this basis, the 50th edition is open for the submission of original and unpublished articles that converse with new theoretical agendas in international relations, advocating critical thought and interrogation. Thus, we are keen to receive articles with a strong theoretical impulse, committed to new readings that converse with disciplinary frontiers such as:

  • Posthumanism and relational ontologies;
  • New materialisms;
  • Post-development approaches;
  • The spatial and temporal turn;
  • The historical-sociological turn;
  • The emotional turn;
  • The aesthetic turn;
  • De-Westernization of the discipline and  circulation of its debates;
  • Epistemologies of the Global South;
  • Critical studies on the construction of peace;
  • Critical geopolitics;
  • Political theology in international relations;
  • Updates and counterpoints to theoretical debates previously published by Relaciones Internacionales;
  • Theoretical and methodological borrowings and dialogues established between International Relations and other Social Sciences.

Although these lines of investigation will be prioritized, the acceptance of contributions won’t be exclusively limited to the axes previously indicated.

The 50th edition of Relaciones Internacionales will be published in June 2022, in digital format, online, open access and free. The Editorial Team of the journal has established the following dates of interest:




The complete document of the article must conform wholly and meticulously to the Style Manual of the journal, and it should be sent through the platform OJS of the journal. The submission stage ends on Friday 31st of December 2021 (up to and including).

It is essential that the authors —all of them in the event that there is more than one— are registered on the web by completing the requested data on the platform registration page with the most up-to-date information.


The drafting committee of the journal will analyse the submitted manuscripts to verify if the proposals conform to the research areas defined in the current call for papers, and will communicate, by email, the acceptance or rejection of the proposals on the 15th January 2022.


Once the article is sent correctly through the website platform, the double-blind evaluation process begins, which will take between three and six months, depending on the case, which could include the return of the text to the authors for revision or correction in accordance with the changes and suggestions made by the anonymous reviewers. During the evaluation process, the reviewers will be tasked with certifying the quality of the work of the authors, as well as the adequacy of the definitive texts for the topic proposed in the Call for Papers.


Throughout the evaluation process (between January-June 2022), those authors whose text receives the complete approval of the assigned reviewers will be notified of the definitive acceptance of their article, the moment in which they will have absolute certainty that it will be published in the journal. That article will be published in the volume of June 2022 as is scheduled —and not in a subsequent issue— is subject to the complete confirmation of the text to the instructions indicated in the Style Manual of the journal, or any other eventualities that will be duly communicated to the authors.

EDITING process

During the months of May and June, the journal will proceed to the definitive editing of the text to be published. The obligatory nature of fulfilling thoroughly the indications in the Style Manual of the journal should be stressed again, with a view to avoiding delays that could postpone the publication of the text to a later edition.


Throughout the month of June 2022 the 50th edition of the journal Relaciones Internacionales, with the title Quo Vadis? New agendas and frontiers in International Relations,” will be published in digital format, online, open access and free. All the articles that have fulfilled the requirements of the stages indicated above will be included.


Proposals in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French will be accepted, but the articles will be translated to Spanish for publication by their respective authors.


Editorial Team
Relaciones Internacionales