Issue 48 / Open Issue
Issue 48 / Open Issue
To be published in October 2021
The journal Relaciones Internacionales has been published consecutively for fifteen years, during which time the quarterly electronic journal of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) has become a reference in the Spanish language literature on theoretical and epistemological reflection in the discipline of international relations. This has been thanks to the efforts to drive and strengthen the critical and interdisciplinary approaches around a multitude of phenomena, actors, and international relations topics. The originality of its publications, added to the high demands placed on the articles, both in form and content, have contributed to the journal having a growing impact in recent years, as well as recognition in important international indexes. Moreover, in 2019 the journal has been accredited with the FECYT certification (Fundación Española de Ciencia y Tecnología/Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology), which distinguishes it as one of the most important journals in the Spanish academic panorama.
As is now customary every year Relaciones Internacionales makes this call for papers of issue 48 as an open edition, and similar to previous publications, Relaciones Internacionales brings together analyses that deal with politics, culture, history, the economy or society, with an emphasis of course on the international. The edition seeks unpublished articles that fulfil the editorial guidelines of the journal, as well as the publication criteria outlined in the journal Style Guide. The editorial line of Relaciones Internacionales advocates dialogue on new perspectives or approaches, and through critical thought and interrogation. Next, a set of examples is given of the kind of work that the publication expects to be able to inspire:
- Texts that reflect on ontological and/or epistemological debates between different theoretical currents.
- Articles that enrich the debate, analyse in-depth or carry out a historical inquiry on relevant questions within the discipline. These could be feminist movements, resistances, questions on security, peace studies, human rights, international organizations, the medicalization of international relations, etc.
- While it is true that the editorial line of the journal puts a focus on the international, proposals which offer innovative analyses through contributions from other disciplines will also be considered.
The Issue 48 of Relaciones Internacionales will be published in October of 2021, in digital format, online, open access and free. The Editorial Team of the journal and the Coordination of the edition have established the following due dates:
The full document of the article must conform integrally and rigorously to the Style Manual of the journal. The deadline is on the 28th of February of 2021 (end of the day). The proposal must be sent in a PDF document indicating authors, their institutional affiliation, a provisional title of the article, the summary and the main body of the text, with a copy sent to the following three email addresses:
The coordinators of the journal will analyse the texts sent to check if the proposals of the authors conform to the lines of investigation set out in the present call for papers, and they will notify by email the acceptance or rejection of the proposals by Monday 8th of March of 2021.
The authors –all of them in the event of multiple authorship- whose proposal has been accepted, should register on the website of the journal, and complete in the greatest detail the information requested on the management platform OJS (Open Journal System). This platform, as well as being the only way to proceed with the submission of the document, will allow for the online tracking of all of the management processes and the status of the text. The inscription should be made at the following link:
Once the article is sent correctly through the website platform, the double-blind evaluation process begins, which will take between three and six months, depending on the case, which could include the return of the text to the authors for revision or correction in accordance with the changes and suggestions made by the anonymous reviewers. During the evaluation process, the reviewers will be tasked with certifying the quality of the work of the authors, as well as the adequacy of the texts for the topics proposed in the Call for Papers.
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: suggestions by the authors of possible reviewers for the evaluation of their texts is permitted. With the text of your proposal, you can send us by email the names of academics with extensive knowledge of the aspects dealt with in your work; if the Coordination team considers it appropriate, these people will be contacted as possible reviewers.
Throughout the evaluation process (between March and August of 2021), those authors whose texts receive the complete approval of the reviewers assigned will be notified of the definitive acceptance of their article.
During the month of September of 2021, the journal will proceed to the definitive version of the text to be published in the month of October. It is understood to be the responsibility of the authors to shape the text carefully to the rules established in the Style Manual of the journal, being a requirement for the final publication of the article in edition 48.
Proposals in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English are accepted, but the articles will be translated into Spanish for publication. Whenever possible, it will be the authors themselves who send the translated articles in Spanish; the journal does not guarantee the translation of all texts.
To grasp in detail the editorial and evaluation requirements to publish in the journal it is fundamental that the authors adhere to the Style Manual and evaluation manual. Moreover, the OJS system of the journal website allows for the online tracking of the full management processes and status of their text.
Notification of copyright: the authors who publish in Relaciones Internacionales accept the following terms:
- The authors retain copyright and guarantee the right of first publication of the work to the journal, which will be simultaneously subject to the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
- The authors will be able to adopt other unexclusive license agreements for the distribution of the published version of the work (e.g.: deposited in an electronic institutional archive or published in a monographic volume) provided that the initial publication in this journal is indicated.
- It is permitted and recommended that the authors disperse their work through the internet (e.g. in electronic institutional archives or on their webpage) before and during the submission process, which can produce interesting exchanges and increase the citations of the published work.
- The authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permissions to reproduce material (text, images or graphs) from other publications and for citing their origins correctly.
- Relaciones Internacionales does not charge the authors any fees for the presentation, submission, or publication of the articles.