No. 43 (2020): Human security, 25 years later

The security-development nexus and resilience as substitutes for human security in the policies of the European Union: the case of the Sahel

Published February 5, 2020


Human security, security-development nexus, resilience, European Union, Sahel
How to Cite
MORAL MARTÍN, P. . (2020). The security-development nexus and resilience as substitutes for human security in the policies of the European Union: the case of the Sahel. Relaciones Internacionales, (43), 69–86.


Twenty-five years after the appearance of the concept, human security barely maintains a marginal weight in the EU’s strategic outlook. The utility of its original precepts has been limited to serve as an orientation for the adoption of substitute paradigms, such as the security-development nexus and resilience. In this article we aim to study the differences among these concepts and how their importance in official documents and strategies has developed. We ascertain how the security-development nexus as well as resilience have prevailed by becoming more practical and acceptable for the EU. Brussels has found in these concepts the theoretical justification for interventions in countries whose “underdevelopment” has been perceived as a threat to European security. A paradigmatic example of this can be found in the Sahel. In this region multiple initiatives derived from these concepts have been carried out, which has eventually entailed a prioritization of security issues over development, and the diversion of resources originally destined for development towards security matters instead.


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