No. 42 (2019): Rethinking “MENA” from an international perspective

The narration of the data as underestimation of the oriental victim

Universidad “Suor Orsola Benincasa"
Fabrizio GRECO
Università degli Studi di Napoli Suor Orsola Benincasa
Published September 30, 2019


Nominal geography, racial essentialism, spaces of exception, terrorism, victim
How to Cite
D’ASCENZIO, A., & GRECO, F. (2019). The narration of the data as underestimation of the oriental victim. Relaciones Internacionales, (42), 21–36.


In this article, we assume the narrative on oriental deaths initiated by agencies of knowledge, may correspond to an underestimation of those people and territories present in a polysemous space called MENA. Comparing different secondary statistical sources (2001-2017), we can presume that most of the victims of terrorism did not occur in the Western geographical area, but in the Middle East and North African ones. Such interpretation of statistical data assumes that the number of deaths, manipulated in a positivist way, participates in the more general process of "racial profiling" of space. Therefore, in this article we propose to reflect on the narration of the data feeding the MENA government rhetoric, as data clarifies that there is a geographical underestimation due to an over-narration of the more complex terrorist event as an oriental menace. The effect of this overexposure is an underestimation of the local victims, because the geographical inscription of the MENA as a space of terror takes dignity away from the death of the Middle East and North African populations.


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