No. 32 (2016): Rethinking "Terrorism" from an international perspective

Religious Racism: Islam in the Discursive Economy of Terrorism

Mariela CUADRO
Licenciada en Sociología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Doctora en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Becaria Post-doctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina. Coordinadora del Departamento de Medio Oriente en el Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales (IRI) de la Universidad de La Plata. Docente de grado y post-grado.
Published June 30, 2016


Religious Racism , Islam, Terrorism, Discourse
How to Cite
CUADRO, M. (2016). Religious Racism: Islam in the Discursive Economy of Terrorism. Relaciones Internacionales, (32), 53–79.


Foucault defines racism in the frame of the emergency of a new technology of power which he calls biopolitics, included in the liberal mode of exercising power. The French philosopher asks how a power, whose objective is to make life, can exert the sovereign power of death. The answer is racism, not considered as an ideology or a scientific doctrine, but as a mechanism constitutive of the exterminable subject. Foucauldian racism is linked with the emergence of nationalism and its necessity of homogenizing the territory, thus establishing equivalence between state and nation. In this context, it aims towards those constructed as a threat for such a constituted unity. Nowadays, terrorism is described as one of the major threats putting at risk humanity’s safety. Nonetheless, it is not about any terrorism, but about the one characterized as Islamic. This way, the paper aims at reflecting on the religious racism and its possible linkages with the construction of the Islamic terrorist as the major threat faced by the humanity. With that objective, it works on the concepts of racism, religious racism and terrorism, showing the bonds among them through the analysis of the media discourse surrounding the January 7 2015 events at the offices of the French weekly Charlie Hebdo.


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