No. 42 (2019): Rethinking “MENA” from an international perspective

The Influence of postcolonialism in the study of Israel/Palestina: from anticolonial perspective to decolonial framework, through the settlement colonialism

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published September 30, 2019


Palestinian-Israeli conflict, postcolonialism, settlement colonialism
How to Cite
DOMÍNGUEZ DE OLAZÁBAL, I. (2019). The Influence of postcolonialism in the study of Israel/Palestina: from anticolonial perspective to decolonial framework, through the settlement colonialism. Relaciones Internacionales, (42), 95–117.


Although the presentation of the so-called "Palestinian-Israeli conflict" or "Arab-Israeli" as a result of the Zionist phenomenon as a colonialist ideology dates back to the early twentieth century, with greater relevance and intellectual depth in the years 1960-1970 thanks in particular to the support of studies in this regard by the Palestine Liberation Organization, it is no less true that in recent years the study of the conflict has witnessed a resurgence of the conceptual framework of colonialism. This resurgence is part of the increasingly conscientious application of the postcolonial studies framework both in international relations in general and in the Middle East in particular, for which Edward Said's contributions represented a key turning point, and very particularly within a new subdiscipline such as settlement colonialism theory. The use of this last epistemological framework, however, sheds light on several of the differences in the study of the situation in historical Palestine over the last decades, such as the relevance of the ethnonational element, the increasing weight of indigenous studies and the importance of transnational networks and intersectionality, in addition to an increasing weight of the decolonial perspective.


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