No. 14 (2021)

Fear and Death in Edgar Allan Poe and their influence in Miguel de Unamuno's "El que se enterró"

Gema Martínez Ruiz
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Portada del número 14 de la revista Philobiblion
Published December 31, 2021


Unamuno, Poe, tale, fear, death
How to Cite
Martínez Ruiz, G. (2021). Fear and Death in Edgar Allan Poe and their influence in Miguel de Unamuno’s "El que se enterró" . Philobiblion: Journal of Hispanic Literatures, (14), 93–108.


Miguel de Unamuno's short fiction has a notorious philosophical richness, and it is influenced by many of the most important thinkers and writers in History. The dialectic, key for understanding the nature of his tales, is a fundamental element within his literature, as it confronts opposite forces that are coexistent. This is the logic that can be found in one of his most interesting short stories, “El que se enterró”, which is about death, fear, and life. The influence of Edgar Allan Poe's works is appreciated in this tale, especially in which refers to the treatment of the fear and the presence of the death, which are also basic factors in E.A. Poe's terror Literature. This way, this paper aims to relate both works, studying the concepts of fear and death, observing the importance that they have in Unamuno and Poe. The main goal is analyzing how the North American writer has influenced Unamuno's oeuvre.


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