No. 10 (2019)

The interracial love as a political resistance weapon in the short story «Hora de partir» from César A. Mba Abogo

Francisco Fuentes Antrás
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada dle número 10
Published July 31, 2020


resistance literature, group categorization, Afro-Hispanic literature, intergroup conflict
How to Cite
Fuentes Antrás, F. (2020). The interracial love as a political resistance weapon in the short story «Hora de partir» from César A. Mba Abogo. Philobiblion: Journal of Hispanic Literatures, (10), 29–44.


The following article explores the ways in which Ariadna and Ka, the main characters in the short story «Hora de Partir» from César A.MbaAbogo, resist a hegemonic racial and socialcategorization through the love relationship they have in Spain. For this purpose, I employ the colorblindness ideology, which argues that treating people as individual beings with unique features fosters the equality among group categories (Rosenthal et al. 2010: 150). By applying this theory to the analysis of the narration, I highlight that the individuation process that both characters undergo is based on the enhancement of their individuality. In this light, the article intends to demonstrate that their love relationship works as a resistance literary space at a narrative level, where both characters find the the social, racial, and political stereotypes upon which group categorization is formed.


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