Vol. 17 (2023)

From literary stance to postureo literario: María Gómez and the authorial typology of the celebrity writer

Miguel Amores Fúster
Universidad de Burgos
Published September 13, 2023


Authorial studies, literary stance, María Gómez, postureo literario
How to Cite
Amores Fúster, M. (2023). From literary stance to postureo literario: María Gómez and the authorial typology of the celebrity writer. Philobiblion: Journal of Hispanic Literatures, 17, 189–206. https://doi.org/10.15366/philobiblion2023.17.009


The nature of the link between the fictional literary text and its author, as well as the way in which its public image conditions the reading process, are complex matters that the field of authorial studies deals with. However, scholars usually start from the premise that the core of the analysis is the text, and that the image of the author is something subordinate to it. Here, however, a unique case from the point of view of authorial studies will be analyzed: the novel Odio en las manos (2021), written by the Spanish journalist and presenter María Gómez. In this work, the aforementioned hierarchy between text and author is inverted because Gómez already had a consolidated public image prior to her performance as a fiction writer. It will be defended that in this case the traditional tool to measure the impact of the author’s image in the reading process, the literary stance, has to be reformulated, and replaced by an ad hoc category, postureo literario.


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