Vol. 16 (2022)

Alejandra Pizarnik and the writing of the wound

Gema Baños Palacios
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published February 20, 2023


Autofiction, fragmentation, otherness, performance, transgression
How to Cite
Baños Palacios, G. (2023). Alejandra Pizarnik and the writing of the wound. Philobiblion: Journal of Hispanic Literatures, 16, 63–80. https://doi.org/10.15366/philobiblion2022.16.003


The figure of Alejandra Pizarnik (1936-1972) is not only that of a lite-rary reference widely recognized by critics, but has become a sort of legend, a myth that was encouraged by her readers but also by the account that the au-thor made of herself through her Diaries and other writings. This article aims to articulate some of the keys surrounding the creation of a character -or rather, characters- by Alejandra Pizarnik, so that her relationship with language and with the notion of exile, the emergence of the body through the textual corpus, as well as the understanding of her work from a perspective that reconciles her canonical texts, that is, her books of poetry, with other prose texts in which verbal transgression becomes the protagonist, will be discussed.


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