Vol. 16 (2022)

The Graciano subjet or the doctrine of the Lords

José Dionisio Espejo Paredes
Universidad de Murcia
Published February 20, 2023


Gracia, genio, taste, subject, Gracián
How to Cite
Espejo Paredes, J. D. (2023). The Graciano subjet or the doctrine of the Lords. Philobiblion: Journal of Hispanic Literatures, 16, 141–178. https://doi.org/10.15366/philobiblion2022.16.007


There is a concept of subject in Gracián. It differs from the abstract rational subject of Descartes, derived from Machiavelli and Castiglione, it is close to Hobbes' idea of ??the individual. Assumed in the Enlightenment, Gracián's discourse passes from Capmany to Ortega and is fundamental to the liberal alternative to the illustrated egalitarian discourse. There are three attributes of this representative character of Graciano: genius, ingenuity, and “exquisite” taste. They are all natural dispositions, they develop as the previous step to the recognition of grace in the subject. Taste is another of the attributes that underlie this Graciano individual. Thus the differences between the exceptional individual and the mass are created.


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