Vol. 16 (2022)

Antonio Gamoneda: poetics of the non-existence of the God –to come?

Luis Fernando Hernández Vásquez
Universidad de Colima
Published February 20, 2023


Antonio Gamoneda, poetics, corporeality against death, non-transcendence, God's non-existence
How to Cite
Hernández Vásquez, L. F. (2023). Antonio Gamoneda: poetics of the non-existence of the God –to come?. Philobiblion: Journal of Hispanic Literatures, 16, 103–126. https://doi.org/10.15366/philobiblion2022.16.005


In this paper, the Antonio Gamoneda’s poetic is studied according to Quentin Meillassoux’s theory about the possibility that God has not existed yet. For this purpose, the art of the spanish poet is described as a poetic that expresses the idea that transcendence, especially in liturgical terms, is a lie already inherent in humanity (subject of his poetic works Description of the Lie and Losses are Burning). Later, it inquires into the spiritual qualities involved with God’s first appearance in the future (Meillassoux’s hypothesis), taking as a precedent the Gamoneda’s poetry. In such way, the importance of this poetic is exposed here, this is the relevance of the philosophical dimensions of corporeality against the constant stalking of death, this as an agent of a spirituality that, perhaps, is the only one that western humanity can make prevail: the spirituality caused by denied transcendence.


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