About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Philobiblion: Journal of Hispanic Literatures is a biannual journal dedicated exclusively to the study of literature written in Spanish. The first issue was released in April 2015 and, since then, it has been defined primarily as a means of dissemination of research in Hispanic literature and related disciplines, both in the peninsular and Latin American fields. All the articles undergo a strict process of peer review, elaborated by the specialists external to the association.

Peer Review Process

The texts, original and unpublished, should be sent in a WORD document (in .doc or .docx format) through the link Make a Submission.

The papers, once received, will be evaluated by two referees chosen by the Editorial Board (supported by the suggestions of the Advisory Board, if appropriate), through a process of peer review. The Editorial Board will ensure to eliminate any allusion that can identify the author, providing a complete anonymity. If one of the review reports is positive and another negative, the opinion of a third referee is requested. After the evaluation process, the authors will receive the response, together with the reports, from the Editorial Team within a period of maximum 6 months from the reception of the manuscript. All texts that do not strictly comply with the guidelines will be returned. The journal only accepts papers in Spanish language, therefore the authors must follow the guidelines adapting their text to the specific norms in that language.

Open access policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free and open access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. Philobiblion: Journal of Hispanic Literatures does not apply to its authors any charge for the processing of their articles (APC) or fees of any other type.

Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.