The Myth And Its Influence On The Emotional Bond Between The Spectator And The Work In The Musical Theatre Of The Golden Century: Mythological Resources In "Icarus And Daedalus" By Melchor Fernández De León

Ieva Emilija Rozenbergaite
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Portada del número 21 de Libros de la corte
Published December 27, 2020


Ícaro y Dédalo, Melchor Fernández de León, mythology, Golden Age, musical theatre, Psychic Distance
How to Cite
Rozenbergaite, I. E. (2020). The Myth And Its Influence On The Emotional Bond Between The Spectator And The Work In The Musical Theatre Of The Golden Century: Mythological Resources In "Icarus And Daedalus" By Melchor Fernández De León. Librosdelacorte.Es, (21), 293–310.


The present article proposes an analysis of the treatment of the mythological resources in Melchor Fernández de León‘s Ícaro y Dédalo and its possible influence over the psychic nexus between the audience and the zarzuela. The work method consists in the application of the notion of the ‘Psychic Distance‘, a philosophical concept focused on the emotional engagement during the moment of aesthetic appreciation. With the help of this tool I examine the psychic impulses produced by the usage of mythological material in the elaboration of the argument, the characters and the symbols of the zarzuela. The ultimate goal of this work is to detect reflections of the mentality of the 17th century society laying in the predilection for the mythological subject in the musical theatre by using the example of Ícaro y Dédalo.

Key words: Ícaro y Dédalo, Melchor Fernández de León, mythology, Golden Age, musical theatre, Psychic Distance


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