N.º 10 (2019): Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior: Implantación de los principios del plan Bolonia y las tradiciones académicas


Publicado Julho 10, 2020


Bologna Process, European integration, higher education, internationalization, quality assurance
Como Citar
Efremova, N. F. ., Meskhi, B. C. ., & Shvedova, S. V. . (2020). QUALITY ASSURANCE IN THE CONTEXT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION. Journal of Supranational Policies of Education, (10), 40–56. https://doi.org/10.15366/jospoe2019.10.003


The article provides information on problems of the education internationalization, the basic principles of integration of higher education and programmes aimed at ensuring the quality of training in European and Eurasian educational spaces. Particular attention is paid to existing approaches to guarantee the quality of higher education and the formation of quality assessment systems at the international, national and regional levels to create the conditions for relevant quality management of education. The construction of an effective system for ensuring and assessing the quality of education in many countries of the world, including Russia, is one of the priorities of the national educational policy. This article is aimed at expanding knowledge about the integration processes in the field of education by using new teaching technologies, research and debates on topics related to the history, politics, economics and legislation of the European Union, as well as EU relations with other regions of the world.


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